For information and booking: Claudia Lagan P) 323 464-1008 F) 323 464-4579 email: claudia@precisionmastering.com tom@precisionmastering.com |

- 30 Seconds to Mars- 30 Seconds to Mars
- Adema-
- Alien
Ant Farm -
- Alter
- One Day Remains
- Amore
Perros- Soundtrack
- Apex
Theory- Topsy Turvy
- Avenged
Sevenfold - Waking The Fallen
- Bad
- The Empire Strikes First
- Bajofondo
-BajofondoTango Club, Mar Dulce
- Beastie
- Ill Communication, Check Your Head, Root Down, The Inn Sound
from Way Out
- Belanova-
Fantasia Pop
- Bloodhound
Hooray For Boobies
- Book of Eli Soundtrack
- Rick
Braun- Night Walk & Music Of Warmth
- Brokeback
Mountain Soundtrack
- Meredith
Brooks- Bad Bad One
- BT-
Movements in Still Life
- Buckcherry
Time Bomb
- Cafe
- Reves/ Yo Soy, Tiempo Transcurrido, Cuatro Amigos, Un Viaje,
- Antonio
Carmona - Vengo Venenoso,
- Casino
- Ray
Charles -
Ingredients In A Recipe For Soul
- Cher-
Its a Man's World
- Controll
Mucho Barato
- Alice
Cooper - The Eyes Of Alice Cooper
- Crazy
Town - The Gift of Game
- Brian
Long Night Out
- Danzig-
Blackacidevil, 6:66 Satan's Child
- El
DeBarge- Heart Mind & Soul
- Jarabe
De Palo- Orquestra Reciclando "Best Engineered Album Grammy Winner"
- Deftones-
Deftones, B-Sides & Rarities
- Ellen
DeGenres- Taste This
- Disturbed
- Live Restrained
- DJ
Bad News Travels Fast
- Jorge
- Eco, 12 Segundos De Oscuridad, Cara B, Amar La Trama
- Drowning
Pool - Sinner & Desensitized
- Eraserhead
- Fanny
Lu -
- Wilton
Felder- Forever Always
- Fergie-
- Brandon
Fields- Traveler & Other Places
- From
First To Last- Heroine
- Fuel-
Something Like Human
- Josh
- Brass Bed
- Charlie
Haden -
Ocean Of Diamonds, Rambling Boy
- Tramaine
Hawkins- Live
- Heat
- Helmet-
- Hoobastank-
The Reason
- Miki
Howard- Femme Fatale & Miki Sings Billie
- Rickie
Lee Jones-
- Juanes - Un Dia Normal, Fijate Bien, Mi Sangre, La Vida Es Un Ratico
- Judas
- Angel of Retribution
- B.B.
King- Live At San Quentin
- Juliette
Lewis - Four On The Floor
- Living
Roll On
- Robert Lopata- 444
- Lucious
- In Search of Manny (EP), Natural Ingredients
- Kottomnouth
Kings -
Green Album
- Luniz-
Operation Stackola & Lunitik Music
- David
Lynch -
Twin Peaks Season 2, The Straight Story, Inland Empire
- Marilyn
- Portrait of an American Family, Antichrist Superstar, Smells
Like Children (EP), Remix & Repent (EP), The Golden Age Of Grotesque,
Lest We Forget
- The
Matches -
Band In Hope
- Matrix
Soundtrack - Reloaded
- Matrix
Soundtrack - Revolutions
- Methods
of Mayhem-
Methods of Mayhem
- Ministry
- Psalm 69: The Way To Succeed..., Filth Pig, Dark Side of the
Spoon, The Land of Rape & Honey, Sphinctour, Houses of the Mole
- Modest
Mouse- Everywhere and His Nasty Parlour Tricks
- Molotov-
Apocalypshit & Donde Jugaran Las Ninas, Dance & Dense
- Monster
Magnet -
Monolithic Baby, 4 Way Diablo
- Motel-
- Motion
City Soundtrack
- Commit This To Memory, Even If It Kills Me
- Motley
Generation Swine
- Motorcycle Diaries Soundtrack
- Mulholland
Drive Soundtrack
- My
Chemical Romance
- Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
- Miyuki Nakajima- Goodbye Girl, Kiakinetsu, Yoru Wo Yuke, Utadeshika Lenai, East Asia, Jidai: Time Goes Around, Love or Nothing, 10 Wings, Paradise Cafe, Be Like My Child, Sun: Wings, Moon: Wings, Short Stories, Lullaby For the Soul, Otogibanashi: Fairy Ring, Love Letter, Ima No Kimochi, Ten-Sei, Lullaby Singer, I Love You, Do You Hear Me?, Drama!
- Nanga Parbat Soundtrack
- Need
For Speed I & II Soundtracks
- New
Found Glory- My Friends Over You & Sticks And Stones
- Nine
Inch Nails
- Downward Spiral, Further Down the Spiral (EP), Broken (EP),
The Fragile, Things Falling Apart, And All That Could Have Been,
With Teeth (Including Dual
Disc Hi-Res Mastering), Beside You In Time, Ghosts, The Slip
- Mike
Oldfield- Earth Moving
- P.O.D.
- Payable On Death
- Oregon-
Oregon In Moscow & Live At Yoshi's
- Orgy-
CandyAss, Vapor Transmission
- Papa
Deal Cell Live
- Rahsaan
Rahsaan Patterson
- Phantom
Planet- Live EP
- Porno
For Pyros- Streets On Fire
- Powerman
Mega!, Kung Fu Radio, Tonight The Stars Revolt
- Puya-
& Fundamental
- Rascall
- Feels Like Today, Greatest Hits Vol.1
- Red-
Innocence and Instinct
- Reel
Big Fish-
Why Do They Rock So Hard
- Paulina
Rubio - Ananda
- Seether-
Disclaimer, Karma And Effect
- Brian
Setzer Orchestra- Wolfgang's Big Night Out,
Christmas Rocks, Ultimate Christmas Collection, Songs From Lonely
- Sevendust-
Animosity, Seasons
- Bobby
Shew- Salsa Caliente
- Static
Wisconsin Death Trap & Machine, Shadow Zone, Cannibal, Cult
Of Static
- Gwen
Stefani - Wind It Up
- Stone
Temple Pilots-
- Story
Of The Year- In The Wake Of Determination
- Strunz
& Farah-
Primal Magic, Americas, Heat of the Sun, Wild Muse
- Sugar
Lemonade & Brownies
- BillyTalent
- Billy Talent
- Taproot-
Welcome, Gift
N9NE- Anghellic & Absolute Power, Killer, K.O.D.
- Tenacious
D- Tenacious D, Pick Of Destiny Soundtrack
- Thousand
Foot Krutch- Flame In All Of Us
- Tommy
Lee- Never a Dull Moment
- The
Tories- Upside Down
- UB
40- Labour of Love
- Underoath-Define
The Great Line
- Underworld
- Velvet
Revolver - Set Me Free
- Julietta
Buen Invento
- Scott
Weiland -
Happy In Galoshes
- When
In Rome- When In Rome/The Promise
- Angela
- Wolfmother
Cosmic Egg
- Yellowjackets-
Mint Jam
- Zoe-
Reptilectric, Steppin Out
- Rob
Zombie- Hellbilly Delux, American Made Music to Strip By, American Made Music to Strip By (remix album), The Sinister Urge, House Of 1000 Corpes, Past, Present & Future, Educated Horses, Live, Hellbilly Delux 2